Little Rebel
Q'Nique Machines & Frames
Q-Zone Hoop Frame & SureStitch Elite
$2,298.00 $2,799.90
Chariot Top Carriage (Cutie or Cutie Breeze Compatible)
Grace Sewing Machine Base Clamp (Set of 4-Cutie Frames)
*Q'nique Ruler Base 15 Little Rebel
Quilting Clip Coil Accessory
Quilter’s Compass: Lines & Loops
Cutie Quilt Clip Upgrade Kit
Quilters Compass Lines and Loops
Cutie Breeze & SureStitch Elite
$1,698.00 $1,999.90
Q-Zone Hoop Frame Dual Track Upgrade
2"x8" Machine Quilting Ruler
Little Rebel with Evolution Elite Frame
$6,498.00 $7,999.90
Little Rebel with Evolution Hoop Frame
$5,498.00 $6,799.90
Little Rebel with Q-Zone Queen Frame + 2ft Ext
$4,299.00 $6,599.90
Little Rebel with Q-Zone Queen Frame
$3,699.00 $5,699.90
Little Rebel with Q-Zone Hoop Frame
$3,699.00 $5,299.90
Little Rebel with Cutie Breeze Frame
$3,199.00 $4,499.90
Q'nique 19X Elite and Q-Zone Queen Frame + 2ft Ext
$7,949.00 $12,799.90
Q'nique 19X with Q-Zone Queen Frame + 2ft Ext
$7,349.00 $12,199.90
Q'nique 16X Elite with Q-Zone Queen Frame + 2Ft Ext
$5,849.00 $9,599.90
Q'nique 16X with Q-Zone Queen Frame + 2ft Ext
$4,849.00 $8,599.90
Q'nique 16M with Q-Zone Queen + 2Ft Ext Combo
$4,349.00 $7,599.90
QCT Quiltmotion Belt and Cable Management
Q'nique Needle Magnet
$2,699.00 $3,499.95
Q-Zone Hoop Frame - Replacement Back Rail Fabric Clip
Q-Zone Hoop Frame - Replacement Front Fabric Clip
Q-Zone Hoop Frame - Replacement Side Clip
SewTites Magnum Magnetic Pins
QCT 6 Plus to QCT 6 Pro Upgrade
$1,799.00 $1,999.95